The Activities on the occasion of the Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great, the National Day of the Kingdom of Thailand, and Thailand’s Father’s Day 2024

The Activities on the occasion of the Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great, the National Day of the Kingdom of Thailand, and Thailand’s Father’s Day 2024
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The Royal Thai Embassy in Maputo led by H.E. Mr. Soradjak Puranasamriddhi, Ambassador of Thailand to Mozambique, along with the Embassy’s officials and spouse, organized a ceremony to pay homage to His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great on the occasion of his Birthday Anniversary. The 5th of December is considered the National Day of the Kingdom of Thailand, the Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great, and Thailand’s Father’s Day.

