Message of condolences on the tragic maritime incident in the northern part of Mozambique

Message of condolences on the tragic maritime incident in the northern part of Mozambique
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Message of condolences on the tragic maritime incident in the northern part of Mozambique

The Royal Thai Embassy in Maputo extends its condolences to the Government and the people of Mozambique on the tragic maritime incident that occurred in the northern part of the country. Our thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved families of the victims.


Mensagem de condolência pelo trágico incidente marítimo ocorrido na zona norte de Moçambique

A Embaixada Real da Tailândia em Maputo estende as suas condolências ao Governo e ao Povo Moçambicano pelo trágico incidente marítimo ocorrido na zona norte do País. Nossos pensamentos e orações estão com as famílias enlutadas das vítimas.